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Messages - rcunningham

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LG Ultimate 2 / Re: [ROM][5.1.1] Cyanogenmod 12.1 for LG REALM W5C
« on: January 07, 2021, 06:09:54 pm »
Thanks for sharing this, I have no idea if I still have the phone but it's interesting to see some development still going on.

LG Ultimate 2 / Re: [ROM] [4.4.2] ULTALOLLI ROM for LG Ultimate 2
« on: February 12, 2020, 10:04:17 am »
Can you repost the rom? It was taken down I guess.
It's still there, its the dark blue link...

LG Ultimate 2 / Re: [Tool] LG Ultimate 2 Advanced Recovery Tool
« on: June 09, 2019, 06:36:11 pm »
I have an L41C that just began to act weird. It will not allow the wifi to turn on, and will bootloop when starting up after a reset. May be a hardware issue but I'm willing to reinstall the rom to make sure it is hardware, not software.

Is it possible to get a copy of the L41C Advanced Recovery Tools zip file? Mediafire says it is a dangerous file and will not allow me to download it.

Ah MediaFire, always a pain in the butt.

I've uploaded the same file to Google Drive and it *should* be fine there: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MSBhmA7G_0bBFMtCOGej2O5vTse1gC3o

Google Drive Link not working.... 5/23/2019
Is there another working Link for the Adv Tool zip file.?
Google drive is being a dick. Try the old but working link I have from AFH: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23991606952607707. You are gonna have to jump through hoops with windows defender to allow it to run though, chrome is gonna tell you its dangerous, then you will click 'keep' and then windows 10 is gonna tell you its a "severe" virus, which you will have to select 'Allow' then re-download it and click 'keep' again in chrome.

LG Ultimate 2 / Re: [Tool] LG Ultimate 2 Advanced Recovery Tool
« on: August 24, 2018, 12:03:29 am »
I have an L41C that just began to act weird. It will not allow the wifi to turn on, and will bootloop when starting up after a reset. May be a hardware issue but I'm willing to reinstall the rom to make sure it is hardware, not software.

Is it possible to get a copy of the L41C Advanced Recovery Tools zip file? Mediafire says it is a dangerous file and will not allow me to download it.

Ah MediaFire, always a pain in the butt.

I've uploaded the same file to Google Drive and it *should* be fine there: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MSBhmA7G_0bBFMtCOGej2O5vTse1gC3o

Site Discussion / Letter to all members; Site overhaul/reboot
« on: March 29, 2018, 01:13:30 am »
Hi all, I have a few things to discuss with ya'll.

It's been quite a while since I have posted anything meaningful here, infact my last ROM post was quite a while ago, November 18, 2015 to be exact. Since then a lot of stuff has happened, and I have not had any quality time to build ROMs, plus have invested in things other than Android.

Taking a look at who I was back in 2015 was quite scary, finding things I wish I had never said and mistakes I wish I had never made, especially those on AndroidForums.com (Holy crap I'm sorry EarlyMon). When I dug into it, I realized how annoying I was and how simply selfish my actions and responses where. I failed to understand what anybody else was trying to tell me, set in my own way of doing things. The best I can do is apologize to those who became pissed off by me not wanting to test stuff I had little confidence in, and me being a dick to people that had never installed a ROM before, blaming them for everything.

The point being, As much as I would love to be involved with the community more, I just can't bring myself to start developing again and do what I once did without feeling angry with myself.

In light of all this, I would love to have a dedicated forum for TracFone devices the way there once was on AndroidArea51, a place where TracFone owners can ask specifics for there devices and get help by those who actually own the device and those who care about making ROMs for such specialized devices that require much more amounts of work than other phones. Unfortunately their domain is down and I don't see it coming back up anytime soon. If anybody has any links or archives of these files, please let me know. I plan on adding a AA51 section for their legacy software so people can still use it.

We need somebody new to step up to the plate and revive the TF Devs name and community with fresh new software and fill the gap left behind for new TracFone devices. For this we not only need a few developers, but a new lead admin to take my position. If you think you qualify, fill out this Google Form: https://goo.gl/forms/hHkOhwpnomW8Vq3y1

Hopefully we can get somebody new in, the application due dates have not yet been determined, but I will inform you guys.

I also should mention, if we manage to fill the position, the website will should undergo a heavy redesign for the overhaul.

Thanks, Ryan C.

Glad to hear you guys got something working!

I might be able to take a look at it if there is an exact link for it

Site Discussion / Re: A Small Discord server
« on: March 16, 2018, 01:16:40 pm »
Nice! I don't use discord much myself, but I might in the future. Btw the link shows its expired when I click it.

LG Ultimate 2 / Re: LG Ultimate 2 Rescue? (help)
« on: December 26, 2017, 10:40:28 pm »
You won't be able to fix the phone if you can't get into fastboot and flash a recovery. The Ultimate 2 doesn't have download mode so a kdz file is useless, but if I remember I have one somewhere on my PC when flashing the realm stock images.

I feel like you might be better off just buying a new phone then try to fix it. They go for about $15 on eBay.

A few people have been asking me how to do this, so I thought it would be best to post a guide on how to do this.

1. Turn phone off and remove battery, then put it back in after waiting a few seconds.
2. Press and hold the down volume and the power/lock key. The LG logo will appear. Release the power/lock key, then immediately press and hold the power/lock key again. This will take a few tries to get it right.
3. Release all the keys once you see the factory reset screen come up.
4. Use the down volume button to select “YES”. Press the power/lock key to confirm.
5. Wait a few moments until the phone boots into recovery or resets itself if no recovery is installed.

I have used this method multiple times, and it's never failed. Don't worry if you don't get into the recovery screen the first time, it took me at least 10 tries to get the timing right the first time I did it. Good luck :)

Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime / Re: Anyone got Root working on this thing yet?
« on: November 29, 2017, 12:49:11 am »
Hmm, well try KingRoot and KingoRoot and report back your results, could just be a small thing.

Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime / Re: Anyone got Root working on this thing yet?
« on: November 13, 2017, 08:53:35 am »
What model of the Grand Prime do you have?

Bricked Phone Support / Re: LG Ultimate 2 (L41C) Bricked
« on: October 13, 2017, 10:47:12 am »
My LG Ultimate 2 is bricked, but my computer recognizes it as QHSUSB_BULK. I looked it up and found fixes for other LG phones with same issue, but not my phone. The fixes I was finding were mainly for the LG G2 and G3. I'm wondering if anybody can help me figure out a fix for the phone, or if the fixes for the other phones would work too?
**EDIT: I do not have USB debugging enabled.
(The fix i mentioned)

Thanks!  :)
Could you describe the events that happened leading up to the brick? If I know its a bit easier to help out.

LG Ultimate 2 / Re: Runtime in developer options
« on: September 21, 2017, 01:17:47 pm »
Did a little more research, and it seems as if you can switch back.  Some had problems, but the posts I found were 2014-2015.  I'd probably make a TWRP backup first.  The only thing I am not sure if it will work is Xposed.  I may try this bit want to wait for a few more replies to see what others have experienced.

I would definitely make a TWRP backup, Xposed has messed up a few of my devices. I would stick with the runtime the phone comes with, as its probably the best preforming one on lollipop and under.

Bricked Phone Support / Re: Bricked L39C - Any stock .img available?
« on: September 10, 2017, 05:42:09 am »
I'm pretty sure the boot loader is locked down on uncommon models, meaning there really isn't one. Kinda like early versions of OS X. You could try some stuff from the LG L4 II but I'm not sure if that would work.

Recovery Building / Re: Flashing Recovery - ZTE Cymbal T
« on: September 10, 2017, 05:40:07 am »
From what I know of, there isn't a way to do this, as I have barely kept up with anything other then LG devices (I now have a LG G5 and it isn't rooted cause I just don't see a need for it) so I can't really help.

My first guess would be that it needs to find a permanent root before you can flash a recovery, no matter how much in adb you use, root will always be needed. I would look for a similar phone then attempt the root from that on your, like the L41C was to the L70.

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